
Heroes come from the people:Yuan Weiyi Secures Hubei’s Second Gold Medal at the 2024 Paris Paralympics

极目新闻 2024-09-18 17:47:55 阅读量:

楚天都市报极目新闻记者 李博

通讯员 彭信琼 杜迪纳

翻译:付兆宇 王艳 韩晓龙 (湖北大学)

JimuNews Reporter: Li Bo

Correspondents: Peng Xinqiong, Du Dina

Translators: Fu Zhaoyu, Wangyan, Han Xiaolong (Hubei University)


In the early hours of September 4, Yuan Weiyi claimed the gold medal in the Men’s S5 50-meter back stroke event at the 2024 Paris Paralympics, Hubei’s gold medal at the Games.


Yuan Weiyi’s parents, Yuan Honglin and Xu Yuanqiong, stared at their TV screen with tearful eyes as Yuan Weiyi received the gold medal against the backdrop of an ascending Chinese flag. “He did an amazing job. I’m so proud of him,” said his mother, Xu Yuanqiong.


An Unfortunate Accident


“Help! A child’s been electrocuted!”


For Yuan Honglin and Xu Yuanqiong, both from Pingbaying Town, Xianfeng County, Hubei Province, August 20, 2008 is a day that will forever be etched in their memory.


That afternoon, around 1 p.m, Yuan Honglin was abruptly awakened from his nap by frantic shouts. He rushed toward the noise and discovered that Yuan Weiyi had been accidentally electrocuted while playing.


Yuan Honglin carried his son in his arms and rushed to the town health clinic. Due to the severity of the burns, after receiving initial treatment, Weiyi was swiftly transported by ambulance to Xianfeng County People’s Hospital.


After 7 days of being hospitalized due to the electric shock, Weiyifinally woke up. The doctor said his case was truly a miracle. However, as both his arms suffered severe necrosis from the burns, he had to have them amputated. For an 8-year-old, the ordeal was nothing short of a nightmare, one that pushed his parents to their breaking point.


Following Weiyi’s amputation, Xu Yuanqiong spent each day weeping in despair.“Suddenly it clicked, I had to get myself together for my son, husband and parents.” Xu Yuanqiong vowed to give Weiyi the best shot at life.


A Break in the Clouds


What will life look like for my son? Thinking about their now double-amputee son, the couple felt completely deflated by the ever-looming sense of sadness.


“"How will you get by?” “Mom, it's okay, I can write with my mouth and feet.” When his mother was overcome with anxiety about his future, Weiyi comforted her instead.


It was during the 2008 Olympic Gamesand Paralympic Games in Beijing that Weiyi was hospitalized.On September 8th, the sound of the China's national an the mon TV flooded the ward, as double-amputeeathlete He Junquan took to the podium as victor.A young Weiyi smiled, feeling inspired by He junquan.For Yuan Honglin and his wife, they saw glimmer of hope for their son's life.


With a bit of online sleuthing, the couple found He Junquan's personal blog. Yuan Honglin left the athlete a message, requesting he help Weiyi find his calling in life. A few days later, Yuan Honglin received a reply, much to his surprise.


With He Junquan’s encouragement, Weiyihad a new found confidence in life.Weiyi would now spent his free time practicing how to wash his face and write with his feet. One year later, he returned to school with the help of teachers from Experimental Primary School in Xianfeng County.


Eventually, on He Junquan’s recommendation, Yuan took on training in swimming in Suizhou with Li Fengqiang, a national swimming champion and double-amputee. In 2013, Yuan was selected for Hubei’s Disabled Swimming Team, becoming the youngest member of the team,whose coach happened to be He Junquan.


Creating a miracle


“The first time I saw a swimming pool that big, I was super excited and completely unfazed. Granted, I took a few sips of water when the coach pushed me into the pool. But I just kept swimming and learned much faster than the others.”Yuan reminisced his first swimming experience.


Hard work pays off. Yuan quickly picked up backstroke, breaststroke, and freestyle.


During the 2015 World Para Swimming Open, Yuan, who made his debut in the national team, secured agold medal in men’s 50m backstroke and silver in the men’s 50m butterfly. In 2021, he bagged1 gold, 1 silver, and 1 bronze medal at the Tokyo Paralympic Games, becoming the first gold medalist from Hubei province at the Tokyo Paralympic Games.


The Gen Zer, who has earned the nickname“Flying Fish”,continues to garner accolades for both China and his hometown, settinga model for all people with disabilities.

责任编辑:黄潘婷 值班主任:张欣