
Millennial Couple’s Recipe for Success: Juanbing, a Chinese-style Burrito

极目新闻 2024-09-10 19:08:02 阅读量:


Millennial Couple’s Recipe for Success: Juanbing, a Chinese-style Burrito

文/图 楚天都市报极目新闻记者 王永胜

Jimu News Reporter Wang Yongsheng


Translators: Zhang Qingli, Xue Ziyue, Pan Yunhao (Hubei University)


It is August 23, and the setting is Shuguang Night Market, a food street in Wuhan’ s Optics Valley. A ball of dough plops onto a greasy marble slab. Du Linyi, both hands gripping a rolling pin, flattens the dough out into a handkerchief-sized tortilla wrap, and then lays it on the hot griddle. Beside him, his wife, Ge Xiaoya, lifts the wrap off the griddle, layers sliced tofu sheets, lettuce, beef and other toppings before finally rolling it up and handing it to the customer. In less than 40 seconds, the duo had whipped up a Chinese-style burrito, or Juanbing.


Beginning 2020, it took the couple merely two years to turn their dream of buying a house and a car in Wuhan into reality.


The couple met at a wet market in a university in Wuhan. At that time, Du had resigned from his finance job in Xiangyang and opened a butcher’s. Ge, who was working in Wuhan, was buying meat when she discovered that both of them were from Xiangyang, and immediately felt a strong sense of familiarity. The two, both millennials, gradually grew closer and eventually tied the knot.


After getting married, Ge also resigned from her job. In the following years, the couple tried various ventures, including running a grocery store and a breakfast shop, but none were successful. “At our lowest financially, we had to be very frugal even when buying diapers for our baby,” Ge explained. “But once you commit to something, there's no turning back. We chose to stick with it, and it wasn't until we started selling Juanbing that things gradually started to improve.”


At the “Du’s Juanbing” stall, which opens at 5:30 p.m., customers are a constant presence. Particularly during the peak hours around 7 p.m., customers will even queue into huge waiting lines. Displayed in the vending cart is a colorful assortment of individual dough balls, which once rolled out, reveal cartoon-like patterns of the frog prince, pandas, and huskies, among others. The doughs are dyed with fruit and vegetable juices—yellow comes from pumpkins, green from spinach, and orange from carrot juice.


Du poured his heart into curating a Juanbing that would appeal to both the local palates in Hubei, as well as stand out from the rest. He traveled to Shandong, Anhui, Henan, and Jiangsu to perfect his techniques, and then practiced repeatedly upon returning home. Du said he made over 3,000 tortilla wraps alone and changed the sauces and meat fillings fifty to sixty times.


Du vividly recalls his first night at the market: he pulled his cart into the rainy night market, constantly feeling as if eyes were on him, which made him uneasy. Despite having practiced rolling the dough and wrapping in the filling countless times, he still found himself flustered and awkward in front of customers. After selling only 30, he was overcome by self-doubt and left for home.


That humbling beginning marked the start of Du’s difficult mental uphill battle, a journey that gradually led him to his success.


Around 8:30 p.m., “Du’s Juanbing” was about to close off for the day. Within three hours, all 300 Juanbing had been sold out. Du told Jimu News reporters that over 10 people have approached him to learn his craft. Du’s wish is for his apprentices to carry this delicacy, Juanbing, as well as the spirit of tenacity and hard work that it embodies, and spread it countrywide.

责任编辑:陈嫣然 值班主任:张欣